Avinash Varadarajan

Functional Safety Engineer

I blog about ISO 26262, Functional Safety, RaspberryPi, and the Automotive Industry.

Towards 0 Accidents on the road

About Me

Making Our World Safer Than Ever

The world is moving fast. We need machines that move faster.
The improvement of the world has been synonymous with the improvement of the motor vehicle. Today, cutting edge technology from all across the world come together to make these world changing machines.

A graduate in Automotive Engineering, I have always strived to contribute the best to the motor vehicle industry. This motivation has led me to focus on road safety and ultimately 0 accidents on the road.


Staying ahead of the curve

Functional Safety

Knowing what electronics can and cannot do for us.

Future Trends

Looking beyond autonomous vehicles.

Systems Engineering

Developing and managing multi-disciplinary automotive systems throughout their lifecycle.

Development Process

Tracking system development steps. Forward and backward.

Laws and Regulations

Understanding policy makers and vehicle innovations.


Challenging the status quo.

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